Monday, November 28, 2011

Tips how to Welding Stainless Steel

Before you jump right to the end of the weld is important that everyone reading this understands that there are different types of stainless steel and they are all welded together. Actually there are three classes of products which we call stainless steel. There is also a class of compound called Duplex, and is recognized by their metallurgical structure, more precisely by their micro environment. They Ferri, Austenitic, Duplex and Matrensic.

Tip for Welding Austenitic Steel

They are the ones tha tare considered the best for welding. When buying stainless steel you will no doubt they are here called the "300 series", that classification they form the American Iron and Steel Institute. Not all of his 300 series responded well to welding as in the case of 303. He has a tendency to hot cracking which makes it almost not worth the time or energy to weld.

Ferritic Stainless Steel Welding

These materials respond better if you use an arc welding process. Most automobile exhaust system made of ferritic materials. They do not tend toward hot cracking. If there is a limit ferretic in austenitic materials other than it tends to be much easier to weld. Here are some tips on how to weld stainless steel. 
  1. You should first clean the parts thoroughly. Using a wire brush to scrub the surface aggressively should do the trick. This is to remove any chromium particles that have built up over time as well as dirt, grease and other contaminants. To take a good weld must be clean.
  2. Use the lowest possible heat. Stainless steel comes in sheets as thin as it can easily be misleading. Started as cool as possible and increase gradually if necessary will prevent you from completely destroying the material. Use a small explosion from the arc to make the weld. This should be done in 3-4 second intervals, follow this procedure will also help you to keep the pieces in line.
  3. There is a big difference between using rods and electrodes. For welding stainless steel using stainless rod only. Every person that ends with "-16" is what you want to use with an AC current type welder. If you have a stem that "-15" needed a welder DC current to get a decent weld.
So you see, there are many things to consider when welding stainless steel. This is only a fraction of what you need to know in order to do a really good weld. You can find more online.

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